
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:57:51 -0700 (PDT)


"Commando Dave" <>  


RE: Your March 16 Email


"Erle Cohen" <>


Mr. Cohen:


Thank you for the reply.


I appreciate you wanting to discuss this matter on the

phone.  I trust I’ve been clear enough up to this

point, expressing that as a Seed client, due to race,

class and economic status, my intellectual property

was negligently misrepresented.  A better

understanding of my concerns is on the “About the

Firm” page on Seed's website.


Seed did not help me “establish a strong and valuable

intellectual property portfolio.”  After acquiring US

Design Patent Des.400,941, I was politically denied

the assistance to capitalize on my patent at the most

advantageous time. 


Seed “specializes in providing legal assistance in all

areas of intellectual property: patents, trademarks,

copyrights, trade secrets, licensing and litigation,”

yet refused to assist me with securing a licensing

agreement on the very patent it helped me to acquire.



Seed was “entrusted with the critical mission of

adding value to my innovation and protecting my

intellectual assets.” However, Seed did not

consistently honor that trust with diligence,

creativity and expertise.” My innovation became an

industry standard in 1992 and continues to be today.

Seed created the dispute with StairMaster which caused

my intellectual asset to greatly decrease in value.


Seed’s “team approach of combining the interrelated

expertise of attorneys and specialists, and making me

an integral part of the process” was non-existent. And

although Seed has “found that the best results are

usually the product of open communication,” in my

case, the communication was without me and definitely

behind closed doors.”   


George B. Fox “customized a program which met my

specific need, by beginning our new relationship by

listening.”  Mr. Fox listened to my “Black innovator’s

nightmare” and assured me, “You are in the best

possible hands with Seed and Berry. That won’t happen

to you.”  Seed not only let it happen, Seed made it



I trust you now have a better understanding of my

concerns leading up to our phone conversation.  Feel

free to call me, at your convenience tomorrow or

Friday 253.222.3091.  If neither of those days work,

please advise of a day next week.


Please confirm receipt.  Thank you.


Standing by;


Commando Dave

Bulzi Marketing Group
