
Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:32:59 -0700 (PDT)


"Commando Dave" <>  


RE: Your March 16 Email


"Erle Cohen" <>



Mr. Cohen:


Thank you for the reply.


Settle my dispute of the negligence in handling my

intellectual property, resulting in the long-standing

and ongoing situation with StairMaster.


I was attempting to settle the misrepresentation, with

Seed IP defending my patent which is in your files.  A

settlement based on the rigorous defense of US Design

Patent Des.400,941 would have sufficed.  Nautilus,

Inc.’s refusal to execute a waiver complicated things.


Therefore, instead of closing two separate matters

(created by race, class and economic status) with one

settlement, it will require two.  I trust you will

address this matter more seriously than the partners

in 1999.


Please confirm receipt. Thank you.


Standing by;


Commando Dave

Bulzi Marketing Group
