ANY MEANS SEATTLE FEBRUARY 28, 2007 -- When Malcom X admonished Black people to fight for our civil rights "By any means necessary," in his longest vision he couldn't have seen the Internet. But if not for the Internet, I would be another Black man denied, rolled over and left for dead by an unfair and unjust system. So for me the activist, the Net is the most necessary means, to tell my story for affecting change in corporate conduct and intellectual property law. Malcom, thank you for the warning.
Rest in peace.
JIM CROW (IP) LAWS SEATTLE FEBRUARY 22, 2007 -- The earliest use of the term "intellectual property" appears to be an October 1845 Massachusetts Circuit Court ruling in the patent case Davoll et al. v. Brown. in which Justice Charles L. Woodbury wrote that "only in this way can we protect intellectual property, the labors of the mind, productions and interests as much a man's the wheat he cultivates, or the flocks he rears." (1 Woodb. & M. 53, 3 West.L.J. 151, 7 F.Cas. 197, No. 3662, 2 Robb.Pat.Cas. 303, Merw.Pat.Inv. 414) The term used in the statutes and in the Constitution is "exclusive rights."
BLACK HISTORY MIAMI FEBRUARY 4, 2007 -- Black History Month 2007. What better way to kick things off than a historic Super Bowl with two opposing Black head coaches on Rosa Park's birthday? February may be the shortest month of the year, but the long history of America is interwoven with Black people. So February is just the month that kicks off another Year of Black History in my book. And I'm excited about being a contributor again.
COMPANY POLICY SEATTLE JANUARY 24, 2007 -- Here is why this intellectual property case come down to race. StairMaster's policy was was crystal clear, but when applied to a Black man, became invalid. Rutledge Capital, which owned StairMaster, had a crystal clear policy. But when applied to a Black man, John Rutledge himself wouldn't even back it. Items #8 and #11 of Nautilus, Inc.'s "code" couldn't be any clearer, but...
THE DREAM SEATTLE JANUARY 15, 2007 -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was an activist. If it wasn't for Dr. King, I would have never had a dream. A dream born out of his dream. A dream to add to his dream. A dream that keep his dream alive. A life-long dream. A life-worth dream. Because of Dr. King, I'm an activist.
PATENT DISPUTE ***DISCLAIMER*** CHICAGO DECEMBER 8, 2006 -- The gunman who went on a deadly shooting spree at a downtown law office was convinced a toilet he invented for truck drivers would transform his quiet life, his family said.
Joe Jackson, 59, who drove trucks and taxis, also believed an attorney was trying to steal his invention, his family said. "I believe he just snapped," son Darrin Jackson, 39, told the Chicago Sun-Times. "I believe he was just frustrated."
MICHAEL R. McKENNA CHICAGO DECEMBER 8, 2006 -- Michael R. McKenna, 58, was the target of the gunman who stormed into his law office Friday afternoon, police say. He specialized in patent, trademark and copyright law, and ran his solo practice out of office space he'd been renting for more than a decade from the intellectual property law firm Wood Phillips. CONTINUED>>>
KARL R. HERMANNS SEATTLE APRIL 28, 2006 -- Karl R. Hermanns, Seed IP Law Group's Managing Partner, specializes in chemical-related patent matters including overall portfolio management and strategy. He graduated with both a B.S. and an M.S. in Chemistry from the University of Washington. He received his J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law (1988). CONTINUED>>>
BILL FERRON SEATTLE MARCH 23, 2005 -- Bill Ferron has counseled leading Northwest clients on patent, trademark and copyright matters for more than twenty years, with an emphasis on licensing, dispute resolution and litigation. He graduated cum laude from the University of Dayton School of Engineering (1978) and received a J.D. from the University of Washington (1981). CONTINUED>>>
REPARATIONS SEATTLE FEBRUARY 27, 2007 -- My family never got 40 acres and a mule. In fact, "that line" is a long as the line uttered by General William T. Sherman. Generations later, I'm in that line and the line of unalienable Rights of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" granted by the Declaration of Independence. The problem however, is the 1776 mindest that delcared independence while enslaving people and the one Andrew Johnson had in 1865, is the same cement that minds are set in today.
VIRGINIA STATE OF MIND JAMESTOWN FEBRUARY 13, 2007 -- My great-grandmother passed away just short of 101st birthday. Her name was "Virginia" and so I have an affinity for the name. Now I have one for the State, due to passage of Senate Joint Resolution No. 332 by Virginia General Assembly. As significant as this is, it is but a pebble in the sea of the change which must take place to make America the country it's been saying it is for 230 years.
MY HISTORY SEATTLE FEBRUARY 9, 2007 -- I read this book (three times consecutively) and gained the ability to take an idea out and develop it into a marketable product. Sixteen years later, I continue to heed the call of Step One's final sentence: Through some strange and powerful principle of "mental chemistry" which she has never divulged, Nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire, "that something" which recognizes no such word as "impossible" and accepts no such reality as failure. CONTINUED>>>
THE SHOW LOS ANGELES JANUARY 22, 2007 -- His show, my show. Reality Show, Virtual Reality Show. Fair show, unfair show. That show is in it's sixth season. This show is in it's 16th. If it wasn't for the Internet, this show wouldn't be possible. And because of the signs of the times, this show has a good of a chance of becoming a hit as that show.
THE TWILIGHT ZONE SEATTLE JANUARY 8, 2007 -- Joe Jackson didn't have a patent and dealt with one attorney over four years. I have a patent and over the past 16 years have dealt with nine different patent attorneys. Four are currently in the picture and like Joe Jackson, I believe I have been cheated. He was obviously tormented consciously, thankfully I'm only tormented in my dreams. CONTINUED>>>
SECURITY LAWSUIT CHICAGO DECEMBER 29, 2006 (STNG) -- Two wives whose husbands were fatally shot inside a West Loop office building in December have sued the building’s security service and the multiple owners.
JOE JACKSON CHICAGO (CBS) DECEMBER 8, 2006 -- Family and neighbors were bewildered Sunday about how office shooting suspect Joe Jackson, a father and church-goer, could have committed murder.
At the end of the bloody, 45-minute attack, three employees of a downtown law firm -- including one attorney whose business card Jackson kept in his pocket -- were dead, shot in the head and neck, and another was wounded.
ALLEN J. HOOVER CHICAGO DECEMBER 8, 2006 -- Allen J. Hoover, 65, of Wilmette was also killed in the attack. Hoover, a partner at the firm, joined Wood Phillips about four years ago. He had extensive experience in trademarks and patents, serving as chief patent counsel for Chemetron Corporation and working as a patent attorney for Sunbeam. He and his wife of nearly 40 years own a log cabin in Berrien County, Mich. CONTINUED>>>
GREGORY S. TAMKIN DENVER AUGUST 2, 2005 -- Gregory S. Tamkin is a partner in Dorsey’s trial group. His practice focuses on complex commercial litigation with an emphasis on intellectual property litigation, class actions disputes, international arbitrations, telecommunications issues, securities arbitrations and partnership disputes. CONTINUED>>>
LEE OSMAN DENVER MARCH 22, 2005 -- Lee R. Osman is a partner of the firm, as well as Dorsey's Intellectual Property group head and chair of Dorsey's Patent practice group. In his career, Lee has provided IP legal services for over a decade to a broad range of clients in Denver and along Colorado's Front Range. For the past five years, Lee's practice has expanded to include clients from New York to California, corresponding to the Firm's geographic expanse. The team of IP attorneys in the Denver office and at the Firm are a critical aspect of Lee's practice. CONTINUED>>>
Previously on Commando Dave's Show>